domingo, 4 de maio de 2008

I remember as if it was today – mid November 75, I was in the queue to enroll in the FAPLA (the glorious Angolan Army). I still keep the piece of paper that proves it, and my husband loves to show it to everyone!
Afterwards, I went straight to the queue at the university. The classes were starting soon at the Faculty of Economics and no way was I going to miss my place!
In the beginning we did some revision as the 74-75 school year had finished early and the teachers didn’t have the chance to cram everything in.
The 2 years I was at uni were memorable. I made loads of friends, they all were “tyre sandals” (made of car tyres, as there were no shoes to be found in the shops). We had great teachers but that didn’t last long! On red Saturdays we went to cut sugar cane to help the national economy and rebuilding the country. And you know what? We loved it! We used to go in groups, all with our own cutlass and it was fun!!! And what’s even more surprising, nobody ever got hurt! Nowadays, the safety rules would never allow it!With all its difficulties, Luanda was a real oasis! And the best of all is that everybody who decided to stay knew each other……….or if they didn’t, they knew the friend of a pal of a friend……….It was a tiny community!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comentário:

Helder Ponte disse...


Hoje, com um pouco de mais tempo, comecei a ler os teus escritos no teu blog, e quando dei conta de mim, tinha-os lido quase todos.

Gostei imenso das tuas descrições da vida em Luanda nos primeiros anos depois da independência sob a febre da experiência socialista. Que tempos tão heróicos. Hoje, no conforto das nossas casas no Reino Unido ou no Canadá, olhamos para trás e é com muito orgulho que contamos a nossa experiência pessoal.

Apesar de tudo faltar, o pessoal em Luanda sentia que lutava por um mundo melhor, e com heroicidade encarava cada dia com determinação.

Bons tempos! Estou certo que os guardas como um tesouro mais bem guardado na tua memória. È importante que partilhes a tua experiência pessoal com o mundo, desses anos em que tudo faltava excepto a vontade.

Foram as dificuldades que passámos e as lições que delas aprendemos que nos fazem melhores pessoas.

Gostei do teu estilo de escrever, pois quase nos coloca no lugar e no tempo das aventuras ou desafios que descreves.

Por favor continua a escrever e a contar-nos os tempos que não vivémos. Tens em mim um leitor frequente.

Um Abraço,
